Telematics - Remote Diagnostics

Actia's combined expertise in onboard multiplexed electronics, telematics and diagnostics means we can uniquely interface our telematics hardware with Multi-AID Remote software to perform full diagnostics of the MultiBUS electrical system - even when the vehicle is away from the depot.

This facility goes far beyond basic CANbus reading, which only picks up on standard CAN data table information about the status of onboard systems. Because Actia design and manufacture the onboard electrical architecture of around 75% of buses and coaches manufactured in the UK, we are able to uniquely access this system remotely through our Telematics gateway unit.

Live Vehicle Data

The benefits of remote diagnostics are numerous:

  • fix some faults at the roadside

  • reducing callout requirement - saving hundreds of pounds per time

  • call out the right man with the right parts, once!

  • improve workshop planning - get advance warning of vehicles requiring workshop time

  • reduce downtime

  • improve vehicle availability, and in-service time

  • reduce the risk of vehicles on the road with undetected faults

Multi-AID Remote offers all the features of Actia Multi-AID diagnostics as if connected to the vehicle by a wire hundreds of miles long!


Contact us

Should you require further information about any of our products, please do not hesitate to contact us.